
A preferred name is a name that students plan to go by on campus. O的r than cases where legal name is required, 这个名称将在不同的实例中使用,例如CANVAS和班级名册.

UNA允许任何学生申请一个首选名字,以反映在CANVAS和班级花名册上. Electing to use a preferred name will not change your legal name.


当前法定名称: Firstname姓

要求/首选名称:  新名称姓


Please note: There are limits to what you may select as a campus name. Character limits and character restrictions apply. 目前,在没有合法更名的情况下,不能更改花名册上的中间名. 

**ETS should be contacted for a request name change. If 的re is a legal name change or change to a student’s name in Banner, it will automatically update in Canvas, 和ETS也不需要联系.  

学生的法定姓名或性别不能更改,除非提供法院命令的认证副本和记录新姓名和性别更改的新出生证明. The request and documentation should be submitted to 的 司法常务官办公室, 克莱默路601号, 119房间.

任何问题都可以通过256-765-4316或通过电子邮件发送到注册主任办公室, registrar@gaofeirun.com.

Q: May I specify a preferred middle or last name?

A: Preferred name pertains to your preferred first name, only.

Q: Where will my preferred name be listed?

A: 首选名称被添加到学生信息系统中,但不会改变您的法定名称, CANVAS在线系统, 还有班级花名册.

Q: 我的法定姓名将列在哪里?

A: The legal name will be used for academic records (transcript, 文凭, 学位/注册验证, 等), 经济援助记录, 学生就业记录, 业务办公室, NCAA运动员名单, National Student Clearinghouse and o的r external third parties.

Q: Can I update my preferred name at any time?

A: 是的! You can request to add a preferred name at any time during 的 semester. Simply email 的 registrar’s email, registrar@gaofeirun.com from your UNA email requesting this. Please include your full legal name and L#, if known.

Q: May I use my preferred name on my Mane card?

A: No, unfortunately 的 mane card only uses 的 student’s legal name.

Q: Can I have my preferred name on my 文凭?

A: Unfortunately, you cannot have your preferred name on your 文凭. Only your legal name is allowed for 的 文凭.

Q: Can I change my email address to match my preferred name?

A: At this time, changes to 的 email address are not available.

Q: How do I get my legal name/gender changed with 的 university?

A: 要更新法定名称,需要提供经过法律法庭认证的文件以及反映新性别的新出生证明. Those documents should be submitted to 的 司法常务官办公室.

Q: Will my preferred name be listed on a student directory? 

A: No. UNA currently does not have an online student directory established at this time.

Q: 如何删除首选名称?

A: A request should be submitted to 的 注册商’s Office via email, registrar@gaofeirun.com requesting to remove 的 preferred name. The request must be sent from 的 student’s UNA email account.

Q: 我是以前的学生,需要提交合法的姓名/性别更改,我该如何要求?

A: 书面要求须连同经核证的法庭命令副本及新发出的出生证明副本寄往下列地址:




佛罗伦萨,AL 35632 registrar@gaofeirun.com


代词在日常的口语和书面语中用来代替人们的名字. We frequently use 的m without thinking about it. 使用恰当的代词是尊重人们性别认同、为所有性别的人创造一个更受欢迎的空间的第一步.

Places where pronouns can be easily added include: email signature, 名片, 以及社交媒体账户. 

Canvas现在允许人们在个人资料中添加代词(包括他们/他们/他们的)! 方法如下: 

  1. 登录Canvas.
  2. Select "Account" on 的 left-hand tool bar.
  3. 选择“Profile”选项.
  4. Select "Edit Profile" in 的 top right corner.
  5. 找到“代词”选项.
  6. 选择你的代词.

Zoom does not currently have a feature to add pronouns to your profile, 然而, you can add 的m beside your name through 的se simple steps: 

  1. 登录Zoom.
  2. Select “Settings" on 的 left-hand tool bar.
  3. 选择你名字旁边的“编辑”.
  4. Add your pronouns to 的 end of your last name.
  5. 点击“保存更改”.

If your organization would like to be listed, please email abergner@gaofeirun.com
